Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who New Parenting a Teenager Would Be So Hard?

I read somewhere that "having a teenage daughter is like living with the Taliban." I kind of chuckled when I read this statement, because some days I think living with the Taliban might be better. The surging hormones and emotional changes that are framing my daughter’s teenage years make me feel like I am on roller coaster ride. One minute she seems like the perfect angel I gave birth to and I begin to think the worst is over; then without reason or notice, her evil counterpart rears her ugly head. I shake my head because the things that use to make her happy now make her mad or she just simply isn't interested in them anymore. It's like the night before her 13th birthday she went to sleep and the transformation began; she woke up the next morning with the attitude "I am a teenager hear me roar".  Boy does she every roar; she roars about everything from her little sister, to the clothes I buy her, phone time, you name it she's probably not satisfied with it. So I often feel like I am in a no win situation. My favorite retort to her is “God placed me here to be your mother not your best friend; I will leave that job for your 14 year old friends." (Thanks mom for that line)  I find myself often picking which battles are more important to fight. I gave up on the eyeliner and lip gloss battle; I believe the no sex battle is far more important. Who knew so many teenagers were having sex and all types of sex.  I remember when my biggest concern was what color barrettes to place on my daughter's pigtails; now it's should I place my 14 year old daughter on birth control or should I trust her to do the right thing?  I had to wipe my brow as I typed that sentence. So not ready for my little girl to have sex and the thought of me possibly becoming a grandmother before she finishes college and gets married scares the heck out of me.  Someone should have told me that parenting a teenager was so much different than parenting a 12 year old. 

I often wonder did I give my mother this much trouble; am I reaping what I sowed in my teenage years? I'm almost positive that my mother is looking down from Heaven laughing at my current teenage situation.  I remember her telling me on numerous occasions "just wait to you have a teenager and you will understand where I am coming from." Well I completely understand many years later, but I wish I would have understood then because I wouldn't have been so hard on my mother. I would have given her more hugs, more kisses, more I love you, more thank you, and most of all more happy teenage memories.  Hindsight is always 20/20.  So as I wrap up this blog on the alien that infected my precious, loveable daughter, I am reminded that it could be possible that when we wake in the a.m. that my wonderful darling daughter might just be back even if for a short period.  I know wishful thinking. 


  1. Good post Nikki! Very down to earth!


  2. I think you blog is great. Sometimes you just need a place to say what you feel out loud. Keep up the good work. Mommy Support!

  3. If you think back we did some wild things and if we could get away with it we did. Kids are accomplishing this at an earlier age. We have stay on our P's and Q's. Just think how different it will be when she reaches 16. If you don't kill her first (lol!)
